people in a group session discuss fun ideas for group therapy

5 Fun Ideas for Group Therapy

By Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Meet The Editorial Team Published: August 1, 2023 Updated: August 7, 2023 Addiction is a battle that cannot be fought alone. Group therapy is an evidence-based tool that can be immensely beneficial for people in addiction recovery. Because of its collaborative nature, it can be especially…

A group of people enjoying the benefits of recovery

3 Benefits of Recovery Groups

By Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Meet The Editorial Team Published: June 13, 2023 Updated: July 5, 2023 If you are addicted to opioids or other substances and are beginning the road to recovery, it can be challenging to face your substance use issue head-on instead of hiding from it. Speaking to…

woman encourages other woman about the importance of group therapy

The Importance of Group Therapy in Opioid Treatment

By Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Meet The Editorial Team Published: February 28, 2023 Updated: March 21, 2023 A group therapy program is one of the most important factors in any successful opioid addiction recovery program. Unlike an individual therapy program, group counseling involves feedback from peers, accountability, and a community of…

woman laughing while learning about group therapy activities

5 Exciting Group Therapy Activities

By Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Meet The Editorial Team Published: September 29, 2022 Updated: August 31, 2022 Addiction is a mental health disorder that is treatable through a combination of behavioral therapy and medication. Patients participate in individual therapy sessions along with group therapy activities that are very beneficial in helping…

woman in denim shirt smiling in a group therapy program

Finding the Right Group Therapy Program in Thornton, CO

By Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Meet The Editorial Team Published: July 6, 2022 Updated: July 21, 2022 Group therapy is an important step in the addiction recovery process. It allows men and women to gain a new perspective on the recovery experience from people with different backgrounds and life circumstances. A…

group of hikers on an outdoor recovery group outing

How Community Activities Can Boost Recovery

By Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Meet The Editorial Team Published: July 6, 2021 Updated: July 13, 2021 For those in recovery from addiction, finding new healthy hobbies should be a priority. Addiction can cause physical and mental health issues that different activities can help participants recover from. Additionally, addiction can be…

a landscape represents the beauty in colorado cbt

CBT Program in Colorado

By Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Meet The Editorial Team Published: June 30, 2021 Updated: June 8, 2021 Many people who struggle with addiction and co-occurring mental health issues like depression or anxiety can benefit from a cognitive-behavioral therapy program (CBT). This type of therapy has helped many get back to living…