a person talks to a counselor during the individual therapy process

What Happens During the Individual Therapy Process?

By Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Meet The Editorial Team Published: May 10, 2023 Updated: July 5, 2023 When someone seeks out therapy or counseling for addiction, there are many options to choose from. Who delivers it, how it’s accessed, and how it’s approached all differ depending on the type of therapy a…

Man and therapist in an individual therapy program

Using Aetna for Your Individual Therapy Program

By Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Meet The Editorial Team Published: May 30, 2022 Updated: November 4, 2022 Addiction and other mental health concerns are difficult to treat with a one-size-fits-all type of therapy. Some people will need 24/7 care to get help with their symptoms, while others benefit more from outpatient…

a woman participates in individual therapy for addiction

When to Seek Individual Therapy for Addiction

By Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Meet The Editorial Team Published: September 25, 2021 Updated: August 25, 2021 One of the main reasons people do not seek out addiction treatment is because they think they have everything under control. It is only after an accident or significant loss that they realize they…

Why CMAR Integrates Structured Therapy

By Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Colorado Medication Assisted Recovery Meet The Editorial Team Published: September 3, 2020 Updated: March 4, 2021 Over the last few years, opioid treatment providers, and programs of all sorts have begun offering increased services. Some offer case management, some offer individual therapy programs, and some even offer peer-support groups. Yet…